After finally being married to the love of my life, it felt like I was in a state of oblivion in Cloud 9. The romance was so thick and intoxicating and the world looked perfect. Honeymoon stage, as many may call it, and that wedding could be the perfect ending to a happy, victorious story of conquest for love.

But just like any TV series, what I really thought to be a perfect ending was actually a new beginning. As of posting, I’m into my 8th week of pregnancy. My husband has already gone to work overseas and will be back early May. I am writing this while I’m alone in my house and nursing the 24/7 ‘morning sickness’ common to those in their first trimester.

Is it back to reality for me? Not quite. Motherhood is one aspect that I know nothing about! And for me, it is a whole new walk of faith all over again. I thank God because He is my ‘ever-present help in time of need’. And I am sure in saying that more than anyone else, God knows everything that is going on in my daily life. He alone knows how my baby is doing inside my tummy. I am grateful to Him for being my parent, my confidant, my husband, my friend, my doctor, and my All-Powerful God at this time.

I am being challenged by this new chapter in my life, which, many may think, came so soon, but I know that this is in God’s timing. Truly, when I said that I will follow Him at His pace and will, He took me seriously! I cannot just sit in oblivion and pause at that moment of bliss. I need to continue running this race. He isn’t done with me yet.

For this new season, there is new grace. For this unknown path, God has gone ahead of us. For this new challenge, there awaits new victory.

I need your prayers. By the grace of God, I hope to finish strong and finally meet another addition to life’s casting. 🙂

Here’s a photo of my baby at 7 weeks with a heartbeat! 🙂
